Sustainable consumer behaviour
2,5 ECTS submodule equals 70 students hours
In this module, students learn how their behaviors and attitudes can affect the environment and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The key to developing sustainable habits is for individuals to first become aware of their bad habits and try to change them. But this is a big challenge because people need a lot of time to try to change their daily habits. With education, consumers can develop and form sustainable habits.
Students in this module explore the effects of irresponsible purchasing of textile products and how to deal with them when it becomes waste. They also explore how individual households can help reduce water and electricity consumption.
The basic goal of consumer education is to change their behavior towards the environment and natural resources and create a sustainable society.
Level - Introductory
Target audience: Bachelor students
Course Objectives & Outcomes
- Students have basic knowledge about the environmental impacts of textile, water and energy consumption.
- Students know how to define renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
- Students develop skills to reduce textile waste, energy and water consumption.
- Students critically evaluate the purchase of textile products from the point of view of sustainability.
- The ability to discuss and cooperatively solve problems on unsusustainable consumption.
- The ability to discuss and share knowledge about sustainable consumer behaviour.
- The ability to compare different buying possibilities and assess their level of sustainability.
General competencies
- The ability to reflect and discuss ethical issues related to consumer behaviour and sustainability
- The ability to critically evaluate their own and others’consumer topics in perspective of sustainable development
- The ability to work in teams of members from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds
- The ability to describe and evaluate critical problems based on written text.
Course structure
Freqency of classes
Lectures (8 hours), Seminars (4 hours), Tutorials/supervision (8 hours), Self study (30 hours), Group work (20 hours)
Expected commitment for students
70 student hours incl.
- Lectures
- Seminars
- Tutorials/supervision
- Self study
- Group work
Formar of classes
- Lectures and seminars with ICT use
- Individual and group project work
- Collaborate Online International Learning (COIL)
Additional information
Learning resources
Antonides, G. (2017). Sustainable Consumer Behaviour: A Collection of Empirical Studies. Sustainability, 9(10), 1-5.
European Commission. (30.3.2022). Questions and Answers on EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles.
Unesco. (b.d.). Sustainable Development.
1. Educational resources
Can, M. & Ahmed, Z. (2022). Towards sustainable development in the European Union contries: Does economic complexity affect renewable and non-renewable energy consumption? Sustainable Development, 31(1), p. 439-451.
Gwozdz, W., Steensen Nielsen, K. & Müller, T. (2017). An Environmental perspective on clothing consumption: Consumer Segments and their behavioral patterns. Sustainability, 9(5), 1-27.
Hasan, H.H., Mohd Razali, S.F. & Mohd Razali, N.H. (2021). Does the Household save water? Evidence from behavioural analysis. Sustainability, 13(2), p. 1-20.
M Allwood, etc. (2006). Well Dressed? The Present and Future Sustainability of Clothing and Textiles in the United Kingdom. University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing.
Žurga, Z., Hladnik, A. & Forte Tavčer, P. (2015). Environmentally Sustainable Apparel Acquisition and Disposal Behaviours among Slovenian Consumers. Autex Research Journal, 15(4), 1-17.
2. Multimodal educational ressources
Canva. (b.d.).
Mentimeter. (b.d.)
What Our Students Say
Kaja, Nina, Nika, Anton, Mark, Katja